Monday, October 19, 2009

Long week of illness

Delay in posts due to illness in the house. Last Saturday, Emilee came down with a stomach bug. She was sick all Saturday and Sunday. Then I began to notice a little cough. Her stomach bug morphed into a cold. And guess who else got both? you guessed it, me! Monday I got the stomach bug, followed closely buy the same cold. We were miserable. There isnt anything you can give a 9 month old that helps other than saline nose drops and setting up a humidifier. Same goes for a pregnant woman. There is veeery little one can take. But, being in the 2nd trimester, I was able to take a cough med and some tylenol products. But, as all you parents know, there is no such thing as a sick day for parents when there are children involved. John came home early on tuesday so we could take her to the doc and stayed home with us Wednesday. I am just now starting to feel better. one week later, and still not 100%. boo.

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