Here is the news we have been waiting to share. We are expecting Jennings baby #2 in April 2010. This makes me 13 weeks tomorrow. I have been sick with morning sickness. Morning sickness that comes in the evening. UGH! I lost quite a few pounds since I was not eating and was so sick. It seems to be passing now and my appetite is coming back. I am trying to ease back into eating, but last night i chowed on some pizza and diet root beer. ooohhh so good.
We had the ultra screen yesterday, showing our risk for downs, trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 are significantly low. Good news! We did the ultra screen with Emilee as well. It is much safer than a CVS or amniocentesis. All that is done with this is an ultrasound and blood work. During the ultrasound, they measure the fold on the back of the neck and check for a nose bone, among other things. It is not a guarantee these defects won't be present, it gives you your risk levels. It's quite facinating. Emilee went with us and was as good as can be expected, since they made us wait 45 minutes before the process started. grrrrr...
If you are reading this, you are one of the ones in on the good news. With my hyperthyroidism, my health and the baby's health are of highest importance to all my docs. This is why we have waited telling everyone. The 2nd trimester is considered the 'safe' time to start going public.
Keep us in your prayers. Hyperthyroidism is no joke, and add pregnancy to it and we have to be very careful. Fetal loss can occur and the risk for this is higher with a hyperthyroid. But with the meds it can be controlled. I don't want to take anything while pregnant, but there is no way around it. For my safety and the baby's, I have to take PTU.
anyway, more later. hope you all are well. leave me a comment, would love to hear from you.
This is so exciting!!! I will be praying for your health and a healthy pregnancy! Congratulations!!!