Monday, October 19, 2009

On my mind

Something has been on my mind for the past week. Ever since becoming a mother, I view children differently. Not that I had a negative view, or even an overwhelmingly positive view for that matter, of children. It's like, suddenly, you have motherly feelings for all children. OK, not ALL children...but mostly. And, because I am a mother, I have a different view of most things now. Whereas before, illness came and went without a thought. Now, it's completely different. And I don't mean when I get sick. I mean, when a child gets sick.

I was so torn up and my heart hurt last week when Emilee was sick. There wasn't much of anything I could do to help her. She is too young for any medications, so we got to try saline nose drops and a humidifer to try to beat a cold. She was so miserable and so sad. She would look at me with those eyes pleading to make it better, and I couldn't. I know you parents know exactly of what I speak.

And Emilee only had a cold.

What about those pumpkins that have cancer, MS, Muscular Dystrophy, lymphoma, and other illnesses? My heart breaks for them. Childhood illnesses are so cruel. I know in my lifetime, there will continue to be all these illnesses, and probably through Emilee's lifetime. Will there be cures found?

If I win the lottery, I will give it to research these awful things.

ugh, a depressing post. my apologies. On a positive note, Em is feeling a 1000 percent better.

My monthly checkup

I had my monthly checkup today. Heard the baby's heartbeat. Fast and strong. My main concern was the flu shot. When I asked Diane (the nurse) about getting the shot, she said "which one? the seasonal or the H1N1?" Dang, now I had to make a decision. I wanted only the seasonal, but knew, since i am pregnant, I needed to get the H1N1. And I KNEW what J would want me to do, get both. But I had/have serious reservations about this shot. Something the government is providing/pushing, and is FREE? It was rushed to the market. It is so new. Legislation was created to protect the makers in case of the worst. Not enough is known. etc. But I am in one of the high risk categories. And there are lines of people waiting for the shot when it comes available all around the country. And there it was, for the taking. I found it discomforting that every healthcare worker I asked in the office this morning had not gotten the shot. With answers like "I will wait a bit" and "Not yet" and my fav, when asked what she suggested, Diane said "I got the seasonal." And left it at that. If the healthcare workers aren't jumping at the chance to get it....why should we, the guinea pigs?

So what to do? I talked at length with Dr. Thornburg, who told me what the AMA and Women's groups and all the other doc groups were saying: Get it. She asked my reservations, I told her, she assured me it is made the same way the seasonal is made, etc.

I got it. Gut feeling tells me i shouldn't have. I hope I am wrong.

If it were just me, I would risk it this winter. I am not in the age group of concern. But I have a baby at home. And one in the oven. I have to think of them.

Now both arms are sore because one went in the right, one went in the left.

Emilee's 9 month well checkup

Emilee had her 9 month checkup on Wednesday. She had just been there the day before because of her yucky sickness. She is developing on schedule and hitting all her milestones. Her measurements were:
Weight: 18.6 lbs - 40th percentile
Head Circumference: 17.52 inches - 65th percentile
Height: 29 inches - 90th percentile

While I was a bit concerned she was underweight after seeing this chart, Dr. Lalonde assured me this is a great percentile to be in. With childhood obesity on the rise, we all need to be careful of our childs eating habits.

And yeah, she is tall. 90th percentile for height. Anyone surprised. yeah, us either.

She also had a flu shot, but no other vaccinations were due at this time, so this was the only poke this time.

She is also crawling like a champ, pulling up on everything and decided yesterday she wanted to climb up the stairs. She did so without a tumble. Only 2 weeks of being mobile, and she is going, going, GONE!

Long week of illness

Delay in posts due to illness in the house. Last Saturday, Emilee came down with a stomach bug. She was sick all Saturday and Sunday. Then I began to notice a little cough. Her stomach bug morphed into a cold. And guess who else got both? you guessed it, me! Monday I got the stomach bug, followed closely buy the same cold. We were miserable. There isnt anything you can give a 9 month old that helps other than saline nose drops and setting up a humidifier. Same goes for a pregnant woman. There is veeery little one can take. But, being in the 2nd trimester, I was able to take a cough med and some tylenol products. But, as all you parents know, there is no such thing as a sick day for parents when there are children involved. John came home early on tuesday so we could take her to the doc and stayed home with us Wednesday. I am just now starting to feel better. one week later, and still not 100%. boo.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh the exhaustion

Well, looks like Emilee is onto something new and different. Since Monday, she has been awake and fussy all night. Many think it may be teething. Some say it's a phase. Whatever it is, we are all exhausted. I feel bad for the tyke. Something is bothering her. Trying to narrow that down is pretty difficult.

All my facebook friends have been so helpful with advice, comments, experience and support. I LOVE FB!

Ugh, why am I blogging? Should be resting. Will I never learn?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Getting my appetite back

...I think. I enjoyed a quarter pounder with cheese and fries, large of course, today. I was so glad to be eating I didn't feel any guilt. And I had lost weight during the sicky-blech-ness. So, mmmm mmmm!!

Emilee is still on her quest to perfect her crawling. It really is quite cute, but gone are the days of sitting and watching her play. OY, does my back hurt from chasing the pumpkin around. But its all ok.

Trying to decide on portraits...when, where, who, etc. ideas?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Emilee on the move

Emilee began her journey of being mobile yesterday! She began crawling like nobody's business. When John saw it last night, it made him tear up! Our pumpkin is determined to grow up. harumpf!

On other big news, I let the cat out of the bag and began telling people. The news is my current fb status. If you want everyone to know something, post it online! ha!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Well, the heathens didn't make church today. I love our church. I don't know what our particular problem was today. laziness comes to mind. Fortunately, our God is a forgiving God that knows I am a sinner, yet loves me anyway.

Oblige me a rant about something that has been burning me up. And sadly, it always has been this way. The University of Alabama Crimson Tide. SO. TIRED. OF. THE. OVER-HYPE. Seriously. The media won't shut up about them. It's been that way my entire life. Growing up in Mobile, it was all you could do to avoid it. And since Satan went to Tuscaloosa, forget getting unbiased news. The Mobile Press Register puts Alabama football on the FRONT PAGE. Um, what about all the other news, actual news. Put sports on the sports page. Even there, it's mostly about them.

What the sports media is missing is the bigger story here. Auburn Football. They fire their very good coach, bring in some unknown from somewhere that's not SEC, (scandalous!) with a baaad losing record, don't properly interview all candidates, and yet, what should be a ugly nasty mess on the Plains, is a success story. Auburn is 5-0 also. Tied for 1st in the SEC West. Coach Chizik has his players believing in him, his plan, and most importantly, in themselves. The story is that no one expected this. Go away Alabama, shut your pie hole. And all you that continue to hype them, it's getting old. Everyone expects them to be good, and they are. But, it's not a big deal anymore. Move on.

Ok, that was a lot of soap-boxing. Apologies. To all my Alabama friends, we can still be friends. I expect lots of comments. Bring it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 13

Week 13 has arrived. We are telling people now. I was going to my old place of employment to share the news with my friends, but we had to postpone the trip. I again am not feeling 100%. Constipation. That's all I'll say, you can go from there.

My mom and dad and sister are travelling to Richmond, VA today to spend the weekend celebrating my cousin's wedding. My mom is going to break the news after the wedding, so as not to overshadow her big day. Now they understand why I didn't travel. I really wanted to, but didn't know how I would be feeling. It's going to be a beautiful affair and I am sad I am missing it. Have a great day Andrea and Ian.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here is the news we have been waiting to share. We are expecting Jennings baby #2 in April 2010. This makes me 13 weeks tomorrow. I have been sick with morning sickness. Morning sickness that comes in the evening. UGH! I lost quite a few pounds since I was not eating and was so sick. It seems to be passing now and my appetite is coming back. I am trying to ease back into eating, but last night i chowed on some pizza and diet root beer. ooohhh so good.

We had the ultra screen yesterday, showing our risk for downs, trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 are significantly low. Good news! We did the ultra screen with Emilee as well. It is much safer than a CVS or amniocentesis. All that is done with this is an ultrasound and blood work. During the ultrasound, they measure the fold on the back of the neck and check for a nose bone, among other things. It is not a guarantee these defects won't be present, it gives you your risk levels. It's quite facinating. Emilee went with us and was as good as can be expected, since they made us wait 45 minutes before the process started. grrrrr...

If you are reading this, you are one of the ones in on the good news. With my hyperthyroidism, my health and the baby's health are of highest importance to all my docs. This is why we have waited telling everyone. The 2nd trimester is considered the 'safe' time to start going public.

Keep us in your prayers. Hyperthyroidism is no joke, and add pregnancy to it and we have to be very careful. Fetal loss can occur and the risk for this is higher with a hyperthyroid. But with the meds it can be controlled. I don't want to take anything while pregnant, but there is no way around it. For my safety and the baby's, I have to take PTU.

anyway, more later. hope you all are well. leave me a comment, would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009